
Afera hosts updates on strategic, regulatory and sustainability issues, as well as experiences, knowhow and best practices shared by Member Company experts within the European adhesive value chain. The Webinars offer a convenient tool at Members’ fingertips to navigate through real-time events and developments affecting the Industry. 

2025 Webinars

27 February                                                           Election 2024: Public policy implications for the U.S. adhesives and sealants industry 17.00 CET
20 March                                                           Afera's PCF calculation tool TACK live demo session 13.00 CET

2023 Webinars

6 June                                                        Afera and IVK New PCF Calculation Tool Workshop #1                                            10.00 CET

2022 Webinars

17 February               Afera Flagship Sustainability Project (AFSP) general update  14.00 CET  
17 March AFSP Workstream 1, Calculation methods & Workstream 2, Waste management  14.00 CET 
31 March                                                    AFSP Workstream 3, advocacy 14.00 CET 

2021 Webinars

14 January               Building the business case for sustainability  Afera 63rd Annual Conference:sustainability and circularity: 90 min.  
18 February The impact of Brexit for chemicals and supply chain management 14.00 CET: 60 min.
4 March E.U. Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS): Proposed changes incl. essential uses, “safe and sustainable by design” and communication of chemicals in products 14.00 CET: 60 min.
18 March                                                    Opportunities and challenges of co-creation in sustainability  14.00 CET: 60 min.
1 April Launch of Afera Flagship Sustainability Project on European Green Deal, Q&A                                                                                                                                     14.00 CET: 60 min.
15 April Tapes and sustainability, moderated by Martijn Verhagen, Lohmann 14.00 CEST, 9th Afera Technical Seminar: 90 min
22 April Tapes: new perspectives, moderated by Reinhard Storbeck, tesa  14.00 CEST, 9th Afera Technical Seminar: 90 min.
29 April Tapes: performance modeling, moderated by Ian Grace, Loparex  14.00 CEST, 9th Afera Technical Seminar: 90 min.
6 May Markets, applications and regulations, moderated by Gert-Jan van Ruler, DRT                                                                                                                                         14.00 CEST, 9th Afera Technical Seminar:eventOverviewTemplate 90 min.
9 September Perfecting circularity: the 4evergreen journey / Pressure-sensitive tape market and release liner usage: sustainability and recycling  14.00 CEST Afera Pre-64th Annual Conference Session 1: 60 min.
23 September Hydrocracking technologies and the potential of the technology for circularity / Perspectives on the future of debonding 14.00 CEST Afera Pre-64th Annual Conference Session 1: 60 min.
21 October Afera General Assembly (contact Secretariat for invite details) 14.00 CEST: 60 min.

2020 Webinars

(All webinars below were free to Members and recorded) 

2 April            How the adhesive tape industry coping with and responding to COVID-19 disruption: experts’ experiences and biggest business challenges Afera lockdown webinar series: 60 min.
16 April How to keep your organizational ecosystem engaged, motivated and committed during extended periods of lockdown in European countries Afera lockdown webinar series: 60 min.
30 April  Future focus: business planning towards a post-COVID-19 crisis world, determining opportunities and needs which can be addressed by Industry collaboration Afera lockdown webinar series: 60 min.
14 May Preparing your organisation for the near and more distant future, for the so-called “new normal”, focus on integrated flexibility in the entire adhesive tape value chain Afera lockdown exit webinar series: 60 min.
28 May Considerations about localising and shortening the supply chain in Europe Afera lockdown exit webinar series: 60 min.
18 June Innovation: lessons learned from the first months of COVID-19 disruption Afera lockdown exit webinar series: 60 min.
2 July  Sustainability and business recovery in the new normal Afera lockdown exit webinar series: 60 min.
3 September  The state of sustainability in adhesives tapes: an outside-in view Afera lockdown exit webinar series: 60 min.
17 September                                            Current and future challenges in regulatory affairs for the adhesive tape industry Pre-Conference autumn webinar series: 60 min.
15 October Context and regulation Afera 63rd Annual Conference: sustainability and circularity: 90 min.
29 October  Measurement methods and data Afera 63rd Annual Conference: sustainability and circularity: 90 min.
12 November Materials, technology, products Afera 63rd Annual Conference: sustainability and circularity: 90 min.
26 November Supply chain sustainability Afera 63rd Annual Conference: sustainability and circularity: 90 min.
10 December The organisational challenge Afera 63rd Annual Conference: sustainability and circularity: 90 min.
14 January Building the business case for sustainability Afera 63rd Annual Conference: sustainability and circularity: 90 min. 

Consult our industry events calendar for an overview of upcoming adhesives and tapes industry meetings, seminars and conferences worldwide.

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