ATP adhesive systems AG

ATP adhesive systems AG
Contact: Daniel Heini
P.O. Box 58
CH-8832 Wollerau
+41 43 888 1540

ATP adhesive systems AG

ATP adhesive systems: your partner for adhesive tapes and films

ATP is a leading manufacturer of high-quality technical tape solutions for the automotive, foam, graphic, label, semi-structural composite, building, electronic, medical & healthcare, and construction industries. With our extensive technical and market knowledge, our passion for developing customer-focused solutions and our committed employees that go the extra distance, success with ATP is a given.

ATP has been producing high-quality single and double-sided adhesive tapes on very modern coating machines in Mihla, Germany, since 1991. Using a broad range of adhesive and support materials, ATP produces single and double-sided pressure sensitive adhesive tapes, transfer tapes and heat-seal films. The adhesive formulations are solvent-free and are exclusively developed by ATP. Our company’s production methods meet the most modern technological requirements. The products are developed and manufactured under the DQS total quality management system, and ATP is accredited according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001 (EMAS) and IATF 16949 systems.

We always strive to exceed customer expectations by developing customer-aligned solutions which offer technical advantages competitively and quickly. ATP just recently acquired BDK, a UK-based specialised adhesive tape converter dedicated to medical and healthcare applications.

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