Member benefits

Why join Afera?

Become part of the go-to community of the European tape industry value chain


  • Access and take part in developing globally recognised Industry test methods and guidelines
  • Receive the Afera News digital newsletter, the Afera Test Methods Manual, event and news flashes, and other free articles, studies, surveys and publications
  • Gain insights into Industry business challenges through free biweekly webinars
  • Take part in monitoring and discussing innovation, market sectors, workforce demographics, end-user behaviour, globalisation, sustainability and other trends both online and at Afera’s 3 physical events per year.


  • Meet leaders and innovators in a neutral environment, including 3 physical events per year and biweekly webinars with expert panel discussions
  • Gain discounted entry to Afera’s Annual Conference, Technical Seminar and Tape College
  • Participate in Committees and Working Groups which meet twice a year
  • Meet and work with associations in adjacent technologies
  • Challenge yourself in an industry collective dedicated to raising the bar for ambition, quality and excellence.


  • Gain active representation, monitoring and advice on European and global regulatory and standardisation issues
  • Share company news and Industry expertise on Afera’s media channels: Design that sticks and Afera adhesive tape Twitter accounts, the Afera, The European adhesive tape network LinkedIn account and’s Latest news
  • Take part in Afera’s new Sustainability Programme
  • Participate in a content marketing initiative to grow the European tape market through designers, architects and engineers
  • Connect with all European tape industry business media outlets
  • Take advantage of unique and cost-effective sponsorship opportunities.

Business-specific benefits and testimonials

Click below if you are a:

Supplier of raw materials, machines or packaging to adhesive tape manufacturers
Adhesive tape manufacturer
Converter of adhesive tapes into bespoke components 
European national tape association
Research institution or university

Become a member

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