Afera Committee Meetings to be held in Amsterdam this month
Location: Hilton Amsterdam
Apollolaan 138
1077 BG Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Technical Committee (TC)
Wednesday, 21 February, 19.00, dinner (meeting in hotel lobby at this time)
Thursday, 22 February, 9.00-12.30 (lunch will be served in the hotel following the meeting)
Marketing Committee (MKC)
Thursday, 22 February, 13.00-17.30 (lunch will be served at the meeting)
Thursday, 22 February, 19.00, dinner with the SC (meeting in hotel lobby at this time)
Steering Committee (SC)
Thursday, 22 February, 19.00, dinner with the MKC (meeting in hotel lobby at this time)
Friday, 23 February, 9.00-12.30 (lunch will be served in the hotel following the meeting)
Meeting agendas, former meeting minutes and corresponding documents have already been distributed to all Committee Members, who are asked to confirm their participation or absence to the Secretariat if they have not already done so. Members presenting at the Meetings are kindly requested to send slides and other digital materials to the Secretary-General beforehand.