Latest News | European Adhesive Tape Association

Browse through or search our news pages for the latest industry news and press releases concerning the adhesive tape industry from Afera, our member companies, the media, and other affiliated parties.

New study on the European adhesives market

Posted on: The new market study shows that adhesive products that are at least partially made from renewable raw materials or are biodegradable are currently gaining in importance.

Adhesive technology training offer expanded

Posted on: Fraunhofer IFAM is intensifying its commitment to the field of adhesive technology training.

Evert Smit’s New Year’s message to Afera Members and the greater adhesive tapes industry

Posted on: Afera’s President discusses exactly how to reaffirm our vision and commitment as successful leaders while facing the challenges and opportunities of the year ahead.

Spotlight on a New Afera Member: Functional films supplier Hueck Folien

Posted on: Michael Luthwig, sales manager for adhesive tapes at Hueck Folien, explains how the leading Austrian specialist in film coating maintains a robust competitive edge in a rapidly evolving market, and why it finds importance in Afera’s sustainability and test methods standardisation programmes.

Mauro Castignani becomes Managing Director of ABI Tape Belgium

Posted on: Having joined adhesive tape manufacturer and Afera Member American Biltrite in 1995, Mr. Castignani has extensive expertise in the market and assumes additional responsibilities for the EMEA region.

Perspectives for the electronics industry: IVK spotlight on light-curing adhesive tapes

Posted on: Light-curing adhesive tapes are a milestone alternative to conventional pressure-sensitive tapes and liquid adhesives in holding the internal components of smartphones, tablets and smartwatches together.

Consumer demand for eco-friendly products drives growth in market for sustainable adhesive tapes

Posted on: ASI Adhesives & Sealants Industry predicts the global sustainable adhesive tapes market will grow from $3.2 billion in 2024 to $4.9 billion by 2030.

Accelerating Collaborative Sustainability in the Tapes Industry

Posted on: Be it any industry, transitioning towards a sustainable and circular future requires collaboration and co-creation. Not just with stakeholders within the industry, but those beyond immediate industry boundaries.

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